Friday, May 31, 2019
A Whole New Brushing Experience, Mon! :: Analyzing Crestââ¬â¢s Whitening Expressions Advertise
Analyzing teetotums discolour Expressions Advertisement What do palm trees, fresh citrus, and teeth encounter in common? Crests cutting-fangled Whitening Expressions in Fresh Citrus Breeze of course. In the January 2005 issue of Seventeen Magazine Crest de besidesed a new advertisement for their new line of Whitening Expressions toothpaste, which featured their Fresh Citrus Breeze flavor in change form. From this advertisement it is escaped for the viewer to see the emphasis Crest is placing on their new product Whitening Expressions. When eldest introduced, toothpaste was a chalky mint flavored substance. Since then toothpaste has evolved into many another(prenominal) flavors and textures. When purchasing toothpaste there are not only one or two different brands, but there are several different brands and chthonic that there are several different flavors and styles. In the advertisement Crest is introducing the newest member of its family, Whitening Expressions in o ne-third truly new flavors. Crest Whitening Expressions are a new spin on toothpaste, in Cinnamon Rush, Extreme Herbal Mint, and Fresh Citrus Breeze Crest presents its customers with a new experience for their mouth. As well as flavor and texture evolution, the field of advertising has also evolved. Viewer expectations no longer just pertain to product, but also advertising for that product. Viewers expect a higher quality advertisement, and that is exactly what Crest presents its viewers with. High tech graphics, and brilliant ideas fill the paginate as Crest presents its viewer with a giant dollop of orange toothpaste as the focal point of the ad.Fresh Citrus Breeze, this is the giant squirt of gel in the center of the page, and inside of this blob of orange gel in a sort of snow globe effect appears a typical tropical scene with a palm tree, ocean tide and sailboat. Directly following the dollop of gel is a block of dual colored text that captions the picture above. The fi rst sentence of the text is describing the product featured above, while the rest of the caption describes the other flavors available in the new Whitening Expressions. After the text the three flavors are presented in their different forms near then bottom of the page. The viewer now has seen all of the flavors and styles of the new product. The tropical setting gives this advertisement a new take on the emblematic mint paste.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Charles Eastman: Bridging the Gap Between Cultures Essay -- Native Am
Charles East mankind made great strides to bridge the gap between the Native Americans and the vacuous man. Born a Santee Sioux, Eastman excelled in his assimilated life, thereby gaining the respect of the white man, which he used to assist the Native American. He was able to give a voice to the culture and its people, which was quickly being silenced by a Eurocentric government. Eastman exemplified the abilities of the Native American through his accomplishments as an author, lecturer, physician, and activist. His capacity to live between two diverse cultures furthered his unprecedented endeavors.Charles Alexander Eastman was born Ohiyesa, a Santee Sioux. He is believed to have been born near Redwood Falls, Minnesota, on February 19, 1858. His paternal grandmother, Uncheedah, was responsible for his upbringing after his mothers death due to complications during childbirth. Uncheedah presented him with tradition Sioux teachings. chase the Great Sioux Uprising of 1862, Ohiye sa and other Santee Sioux were exiled to Manitoba. In Eastmans Indian Boyhood, he fondly recalls these times of living freely and peacefully by saying, What boy would no be an Indian for a while when he thinks of the freest life in the world? Ohiyesas father, Jacob Many Lightnings Eastman was instrumental in his assimilation into the white mans culture, beginning with his education. Unlike many other Native American children in boarding schools, Charles learned to read and write in his native language. This advancing program of learning was often criticized because of the fear felt among American settlers after the Great Sioux Uprising. The settlers, as well as the government agencies, sought only socialisation of the Indians into the w... ...dian every quarter 25, no. 4 (2001) 609-613.Eastman, Charles A, From the Deep Woods to Civilization, (Lincoln University of Nebraska Press 1977 1916) 195. Eastman, Charles A. Indian Boyhood (New York Dover Publications, (1971 1902), 3.Lopenzia, Drew. Good Indian Charles Eastman and the Warrior as Civil Servant, American Indian Quarterly 27, no. , Special Issue (2003) 729, 739.Murphy, Nora. Starting Children on the Path to the Past American Indians in Childrens Historical Fiction, Minnesota History 57, no. 6 (2001) 284,286.Patterson, Michelle Wick. Real Indian Songs The Society of American Indians and the Use of Native American Culture as a Means of Reform, American Indian Quarterly 26, no. 1 (2002) 54-55.Stensland, Anna Lee. Indian Boyhood by Charles A. Eastman The English Journal 66, no. 3 (1977) 59.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Child Victimization Essay -- Social Issues, Child Abuse
According to Finkelhor et al (2005), the increasing rates of nestling victimization over the last few decades have created a global attention on tike abuse. With these increasing rates, most countries all over the world have begun to address this situation. Most countries have enacted laws that classify child victimization cases as wicked offenses punishable according to the provisions of the law (Finkelhor et al, 2005). As noted by Giardino (2010), the increasing prevalence and consequences of child abuse calls for detailed researches and investigations crossways the world.This research piece explores the controversial topic on child victims. The paper describes the major types of child abuse, the extent of the problem, intergenerational transmission of violence, theories regarding child abuse, and the special types of child abuse.Types of shaver Abuse Child abuse as described by Giardino (2010) refers to the aspect of causing or allowing the causation of any offensive contact that can be termed as catastrophic to the body of a child. Further, Giardino (2010) defines it as the use of offensive communication that may harm the child, shame him, or offend him. In a psychological perspective, child abuse can be termed as an act that omits several procedures in the development of the child (Giardino, 2010). The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act that has been enacted in the U.S. describes child abuse as, at a minimum, any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation, or an act or failure to act which presents an imminent find of serious harm (Giardino, 2010).Physical Child AbusePhysical child abuse is the most com... ...vent every case of child abuse, but we can be alert and informed about child abuse and learn the signs of it. As a society, people need to be aware that child abuse occurs across all economical borders. Children as we know a re very active injure themselves while playing. These injures are explainable verses injuries that cannot be explained by the parent. The main end is that teachers, doctors, ect. should be able to distinguish between normal injury and non-accidental injury. Identifying early signs of child abuse can save the childs life. Each cases of child abuse should be investigated thoroughly by a professional who can determine if they child is being abused or not. Child abuse is a traumatic experience for the child and can have lasting effects. Thats why it is very important that the child has immediate access to counseling and otherwise forms of therapy.
First Amendment And Music Censorship Essay -- Censorship
The jump Amendment to the peckerwood of Rights exists because the Founders of our country understood the importance of free reflection. The First Amendment states Congress sh entirely make no law . . . abridging the freedom of idiom, or of the call forth . . . (Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution 17). One of the ways the the Statesn people use this freedom of speech and expression is through the creation of the guile form known as music. Musics verbal expression bonds our society through our emotions and considers. This fundamental right of freedom of expression is being threatened by familiar and governmental groups who believe they turn out authority to monitor and decide what others should experience. The censorship of music lyrics is a violation of our First Amendment right, and public groups should not be allowed to spread this right to censor obscene lyrics produced in the music industry.Through the decades, artists such as Elvis Presley, The Beatles, and The Rolling Stones agree raised controversy over their obviously explicit acts that are now viewed as legendary. Parents banned their children from watching Elvis Presley and his outrageous hip movements though straight off these moves are copied by Britney Spears, pop groups, and dancers all over the world. In 1956, Ed Sullivan deemed Elvis unfit for a family audience. However, in 1970 Elvis met the President in the elliptic Office, and now his face appears on a postage stamp (RIAA History 2 of 4). On June 15, 1966, The Beatles released their album Yesterday...and Today featuring a shocking cover with the foursome surrounded by raw bosom and butchered baby dolls. Immediately the album was withdrawn from music shelves everywhere and returned only with a new approved c... ... something we have not yet discovered. We have seen the objections of yesterday as the legends of today. Now we must stand strong to make our own decisions and see things through our own eyeball and touch it with our two hands, because it is through experience and challenge that we all grow and discover new ideas.Works CitedCommission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution. 1791 - 1991 The Bill Of Rights and Beyond. Commission on the Bicentennial of the Unites States Constitution, 1990.Duin, Julia. inform Labels Dont Keep Kids From Shock CDs. Insight 12 Jan. 1998 1-2.Hald, Karen. Music - A Human Right. .transcription Industry Association of America . Freedom of Speech. Brief History .Recording Industry Association of America. Parents Page. Background .Walters, Shari. About Music for Teens. Parental Advisory Labels . First Amendment And Music Censorship try on -- CensorshipThe First Amendment to the Bill of Rights exists because the Founders of our country understood the importance of free expression. The First Amendment states Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press . . . (Commission on the B icentennial of the United States Constitution 17). One of the ways the American people use this freedom of speech and expression is through the creation of the art form known as music. Musics verbal expression bonds our society through our emotions and experiences. This fundamental right of freedom of expression is being threatened by public and governmental groups who believe they have authority to monitor and decide what others should experience. The censorship of music lyrics is a violation of our First Amendment right, and public groups should not be allowed to bypass this right to censor obscene lyrics produced in the music industry.Through the decades, artists such as Elvis Presley, The Beatles, and The Rolling Stones have raised controversy over their seemingly explicit acts that are now viewed as legendary. Parents banned their children from watching Elvis Presley and his outrageous hip movements though today these moves are copied by Britney Spears, pop groups, and dancers all over the world. In 1956, Ed Sullivan deemed Elvis unfit for a family audience. However, in 1970 Elvis met the President in the Oval Office, and now his face appears on a postage stamp (RIAA History 2 of 4). On June 15, 1966, The Beatles released their album Yesterday...and Today featuring a shocking cover with the foursome surrounded by raw meat and butchered baby dolls. Immediately the album was withdrawn from music shelves everywhere and returned only with a new approved c... ... something we have not yet discovered. We have seen the objections of yesterday as the legends of today. Now we must stand strong to make our own decisions and see things through our own eyes and touch it with our two hands, because it is through experience and challenge that we all grow and discover new ideas.Works CitedCommission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution. 1791 - 1991 The Bill Of Rights and Beyond. Commission on the Bicentennial of the Unites States Constitution, 1990.Dui n, Julia. Warning Labels Dont Keep Kids From Shock CDs. Insight 12 Jan. 1998 1-2.Hald, Karen. Music - A Human Right. .Recording Industry Association of America . Freedom of Speech. Brief History .Recording Industry Association of America. Parents Page. Background .Walters, Shari. About Music for Teens. Parental Advisory Labels .
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Price Of Freedom :: essays research papers
What is the price of granting immunity that was paid, and is being paid? Freedom was paid with anguish, pain, time, and lives. We, the inhabitants of America, are fortunate to count on this land where we have unalienable human rights that are just basic and essential statutes. There is always a cost for something furthermore there is a price on our freedom. We pay taxes, follow the land and societys regulations, vote, and so on. The topic of importance and eminence is how, why, and what paid for our freedom.Women have come a long way from being House-Wives. In many countries, women have little or no power, or role. Furthermore, that is why this country, America, gives freedom to women to carry their own respective(prenominal) dreams out. They paid for their current freedom, suffrage, and liberty by peaceful, yet passionate and touching demonstrating. They have paved the way for the future to evolve and develop.Immigrants have paid for their freedom by working, or literally paying for it. It costs these new immigrants a pretty penny to migrate to the so-called Land of Opportunity, and worked harder than anyone else just to exist and digest here. New societal regulations and government rules just make it harder for newcomers to assimilate to their new lives. This country is built on immigration and their hard labor work, using state ranging from Black slaves to Hispanic workers on the streets waiting for jobs. Furthermore, without them many tasks would have not been achieved. The Chinese for example migrated here and built the first railroads, in addition they worked on sugar plantations of Hawaii, only increasing Uncle Sams wallet. All for their freedom and liberty in America.World War I, World War II, Vietnam War, Korean War, American Revolution, Civil War, French & Indian War, and so on. These wars all occurred for one main reason, to protect the people and their endowed rights. If brave and courageous warriors did not step on to the battlefield, and sac rifice themselves to their country, who knows what could have happened.
The Price Of Freedom :: essays research papers
What is the price of freedom that was gainful, and is being paid? Freedom was paid with anguish, pain, time, and lives. We, the inhabitants of America, are privileged to see this land where we have unalienable human rights that are just basic and essential statutes. There is always a cost for something furthermore on that point is a price on our freedom. We pay taxes, follow the land and societys regulations, vote, and so on. The topic of importance and eminence is how, why, and what paid for our freedom.Women have lessen a long way from being House-Wives. In many countries, women have little or no power, or role. Furthermore, that is why this country, America, gives freedom to women to carry their have got individual dreams out. They paid for their current freedom, suffrage, and liberty by peaceful, yet passionate and touching demonstrating. They have paved the way for the future to evolve and develop.Immigrants have paid for their freedom by working, or literally paying for i t. It costs these new immigrants a pretty penny to migrate to the so-called Land of Opportunity, and worked harder than anyone else just to dwell and survive here. New societal regulations and government rules just make it harder for newcomers to assimilate to their new lives. This country is built on immigration and their hard labor work, use people ranging from Black slaves to Hispanic workers on the streets waiting for jobs. Furthermore, without them many tasks would have not been achieved. The Chinese for example migrated here and built the first railroads, in increase they worked on sugar plantations of Hawaii, only increasing Uncle Sams wallet. All for their freedom and liberty in America.World War I, World War II, Vietnam War, Korean War, American Revolution, Civil War, French & Indian War, and so on. These wars all occurred for one main reason, to protect the people and their endowed rights. If brave and courageous warriors did not cadence on to the battlefield, and sacr ifice themselves to their country, who knows what could have happened.
Monday, May 27, 2019
The Influence of Alcohol and Drugs in Edgar Allen Poe Life
The influence of intoxicant and drugs in Edgar Allan Poes carriage Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever woolgather before (Edgar Allan Poe). Darkness and sadness are strong characteristics of Edgar Allan Poes composing. The tragedies during his life, such as the death of his biological and adoptive moms, followed by the death of his young wife Virginia were important factors which formed his gothic style. Poe is known for his swallow problems and use of drugs.Those habits had a big influence in his life and in his works. Family members, classmates, depression and disasters influenced Poe to use alcoholic drink. The possibilities of Poe been an boozer increased be suffer of the environment and the society in which he grew up (Scharf, Douglas 3). Genetics probabilities were really high to him too, once his father, David Poe, and his brother Henry Poe had strenuous alcoholism problems (Poe, Drugs and inebriant 7).The most part of Poes problems as depression and alcoholism appeared more evidently while he was passing the age of mid-twenties (Black, Jamee A. ). His addiction to alcohol started while he was attending the University of Virginia and was introduced to it by classmates (Poe, Drugs and Alcohol 9). Depression, heart troubles and a brain lesion were clinically proved and part of Poes life (Black, Jamee A. ). Was extremely hard for him to handle with his emotional and physical weaknesses, so to relief his pain he utilize alcohol as anesthetic (Black, Jamee A. 6). More and more, Poes addiction to alcohol was increasing and this over alcohol addictioning was causing now trouble in different sections of his life.His carrier was one of the first affected starting in June 1835, when the editor of the Southern Literary Messenger gave an opportunity to Poe to work helping with this paper. The people responsible for the paper and the readers really liked Poes effort and creat ivity, but he was fired subsequently arrived repeatedly times drunk at work (Poe, Edgar Allan 2). The madness and depression that Poe felt were increasing as increased his over drinking (Black, Jamee A. 1). Poe went so far that he got into a point that he drank absinthe and brandy which is a really dangerous mixture (Poe, Drugs and Alcohol 27).Between the earthly concerny a(prenominal) possible causes of Edgar Allan Poes death, his problem with alcohol is really considerable as one important reason of his early death (Scharf, Douglas 1). Even though Poe was completely addicted to alcohol, many times, he tried very hard to fight against his alcoholism. Right after his first long drinking experience, during college, he tried to stay away from it (Black, Jamee A. 3). His drinking times were intermittent and he stayed abstain from alcohol for months in some of those periods (Poe, Drugs and Alcohol 8).Promises were made and repeatedly times he said that would never drink again. As one side of Poe tells him that he should stop with alcohol, the other side tells that he should drink to relief his emotional pains and usually he followed this resist side once is a lot easier to deal with it (Black, Jamee A. 6). In 1847, Poes get extremely hard into drinking, one of the worse times during his whole life, after the death of his young wife Virginia (Hennelly, Mark M. 1). After this event he could stop drinking alcohol anymore (Poe, Drugs and Alcohol 14).Other important characteristic of his life is the use of drugs. Some evidences show that Poe really used drugs but for medical benefits in which the doctors gave to him as a medicine (Scharf, Douglas 4). Few doctors believed that Poe was not addicted to drugs and that he just used as indite on the medical prescription (Poe, Drugs and Alcohol 4). The problems and pains that Poe felt were so hard for him to deal with that he used drugs to forget about all these trouble (Black, Jamee A. 7). Opium was the main drug used b y Poe, it made him get it the dream-world (Hennelly, Mark M. 0).While Poe was trying to get away from alcohol were times when he used uncontrolled amounts of Opium (Poe, Drug and Alcohol 2). The use of drugs, even for medical benefits, made him addicted to drugs and this is appointed as one of the cause of Poes death (Black, Jamee A. 11). Poes works are a visible reflects of his life, history and habits, including the use of alcohol and drugs. Between the large amounts of Poes works written in first person is remarkable that couple of his fictions narrators admitted the use of Opium (Poe, Drugs and Alcohol 1).Roderick Usher, the narrator of the short story The Fall of the House of Usher, was a depressed man addicted to drugs which cause one of the strongest suspicions of bonds between Poe and his characters (Scharf, Douglas 4). He had a tendency for gothic style after all the tragedies during his life, and he appeared with an irregular behavior when cerebrate with women after the d eath of Virginia (Poe, Edgar Allan 6). An example of his personal life in his work is showed at the beginning of the poem The Raven when the narrator is reading a daybook to try to forget someone who he loved and that he lost.Passages of Poes stories and poems are seemed as he was having a hallucination while he was writing it, and its possible that he was under alcohol and drugs influence (Poe, Drugs and Alcohol 5). I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity (Edgar Allan Poe). Alcohol and drugs had expressive influence into Poes style and writing. Even though all the troubles caused by those disasters during his life, without them Poe wouldnt have the characteristics that made him and his works so unique.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
What is swatch
merchandise cooking Introduction Author Jim Riley Last updated Sunday 23 September, 2012 Introduction A plan is a way of achieving something. Your revision plan is a way of helping to achieve success in calling studies exams. The Christmas present shopping inclination is a simpler example of a plan a way of ensuring that no-one gets missed on 25 December. In business, It Is no different.If a business wants to achieve something, It Is more(prenominal) wantly to do so with a well-constructed and realistic plan. What does planning involve? Planning involves ? Setting objectives, quantifying targets for achievement, and communicating these targets to people responsible for achieving them Selecting strategies, tactics, programmes etc for achieving the objectives. The whole topic of planning brings with it some Important terminology that it is worth spending time getting to know well.You testamenting come across these terms many times In your study of grocerying (and business st udies in general) Strategy Strategy is the method elect to achieve goals and objectives Example Our strategy is to grow sales and profits of our exist products and to broaden our business by ntroducing new products to our existing markets Tactics Tactics are the resources that are used in the agreed strategy Example We will use our widespread distribution via UK supermarkets to Increase sales and existing products and Introduce new products Goals Goals concern what you are evaluateing to achieve.Goals provide the intention that influence the chosen actions Marketing planning esteems and vision Introduction to Values and Vision Values form the foundation of a business management style. Values provide the Justlflcatlon of deportment and, therefore, exert significant Influence on merchandise decisions. hy are values Important in marketing? Many Japanese businesses have used the value system to provide the motivation to make them global market leaders.They have created an obsessi on about winning that is communicated at altogether levels of the business that has enab guide them to take market deal out from competitors that appeared to be unassailable. For example, at the start of the 1970s Komatsu was less than one third the size of the market leader Caterpillar and relied on Just one business organization of sharper bulldozers for most of Its revenues. By the late 1980s it had passed Caterpillar as the world leader in earth-moving quipment.It had also adopted an aggressive diversification strategy that led it into markets such as industrial robots and semiconductors. If values shape the demeanour of a business, what is meant by vision and how does it relate to marketing planning? To succeed In the foresightful term, businesses need a vision of how they will change and Improve In the afterlife. The vlslon of the business gives It energy. strategy. What are the components of an effective business vision?Davidson identifies six requirements for succes s Provides future direction Expresses a consumer benefit Is realistic Is motivating Must be fully communicated Consistently followed and measured Example Our goal is to achieve market leading in our existing markets Objectives Objectives are goals that can be quantified Examples We rate to achieve a market share of 20% in our existing markets We aim to snap new markets by achieving a market share of at least 5% within 3 years We aim to achieve sales of step-up of 15% per annum with our existing products Aims Aims are goals that cannot be measured in a reliable way.However, they remain important as a means of providing direction and focus. Examples We aim to delight ur customers Marketing Study Note Home I Latest Marketing Resources from the tutor2u Blog I Marketing Revision Quizzes Marketing Objectives Introduction to marketing objectives Lets face it. Of the four main functional areas ofa business, marketing has to be the most important Marketing is at the heart of a bu siness.Remember the definition of marketing The wreak of identifying, anticipating (predicting) and satisfying customer needs profitably Almost every activity that a business undertakes can be linked back to this definition, whether it is Raising finance to stay an investment n new product development Introducing quality assurance and lean production to remediate product profitability Training staff to improve customer service standards Ultimately, almost every functional activity or objective can be linked back to marketing.A similar picture emerges when you make how corporeal objectives link to the functional objectives for marketing. Typical corporate objectives might be to Bea market leader within 5 years To grow market share by 5% in core markets To become the most trusted and recognised brand in our industry Each of these has a strong marketing element. Marketing objectives need to be seen as part of a hierarchy of objectives, in the sense that they are shaped and informe d by the corporate objectives.A corporate objective influences a marketing objective, which in turn shapes the marketing strategies and marketing tactics employed Marketing planning the relegation distinction of reasoning Mission A strategical marketing plan starts with a clearly defined business delegating. Mintzberg defines a mission as follows A mission describes the organisations basic function in society, in terms of the products and services it produces for its customers. A clear business mission should ave each of the interest elements Taking each element of the above diagram in turn, what should a fair mission contain? (1) A Purpose Why does the business exist?Is it to create wealth for shareholders? Does it exist to satisfy the needs of all stakeholders (including employees, and society at large? ) (2) A Strategy and Strategic Scope A mission statement provides the commercial logic for the business and so defines twain things The products or services it offers (an d therefore its competitive position) The competences through which it tries to succeed and its method of competing A usiness strategic scope defines the boundaries of its operations. These are set by management. For example, these boundaries may be set in terms of geography, market, business method, product etc.The decisions management make about strategic scope define the nature of the business. (3) Policies and Standards of Behaviour A mission needs to be translated into everyday actions. For example, if the business mission includes delivering outstanding customer service, then policies and standards should be created and monitored that test delivery. These might include onitoring the speed with which prognosticate calls are answered in the sales call centre, the number of complaints received from customers, or the extent of positive customer feedbackvia questionnaires. 4) Values and Culture The values of a business are the basic, often un-stated, beliefs of the people who wor k in the business. These would include Business principles (e. g. social policy, commitments to customers) Loyalty and commitment (e. g. are employees inspired to sacrifice their personal goals for the good of the business as a whole? And does the usiness demonstrate a high level of commitment and loyalty to its staff? ) Guidance on expected behaviour a strong sense of mission helps create a work surroundings where there is a common purpose What role does the mission statement play in marketing planning?In practice, a strong mission statement can help in three main slipway It provides an outline of how the marketing plan should seek to fulfil the mission It provides a means of evaluating and screening the marketing plan are marketing decisions consistent with the mission? It provides an incentive to implement the marketing plan Marketing planning the link with strategy Businesses that succeed do so by creating and keep backing customers. They do this by management constantly h ave to assess which customers they are trying to reach and how they can design products and services that provide better value (competitive receipts).The main problem with this process is that the environment in which businesses operate is constantly changing. So a business must adapt to reflect changes in the environment and make decisions about how to change the marketing mix in order to succeed. This process of adapting and decision-making is known as arketing planning. Where does marketing planning fit in with the boilers suit strategic planning of a business? Strategic planning (which you will cover in your studies of strategy is concerned about the overall direction of the business.It is concerned with marketing, of course. solely it also involves decision-making about production and operations, finance, human resource management and other business issues. The objective of a strategic plan is to set the direction of a business and create its shape so that the products and se rvices it provides meet the overall business objectives. Marketing has a key role to play in strategic planning, because it is the Job of marketing management to understand and manage the links between the business and the environment.Sometimes this is quite a straightforward task. For example, in many small businesses there is only one geographical market and a limited number of products (perhaps only one product ). However, consider the challenge faced by marketing management in a multinational business, with hundreds of business units located around the globe, producing a wide range of products. How can such management keep control of marketing decision-making in such a complex ituation? This calls for well-organised marketing planning.What are the key issues that should be addressed in marketing planning? The following questions lie at the heart of any marketing (or indeed strategic) planning process Where are we now? How did we get there? Where are we heading? Where would we li ke to be? How do we get there? Are we on course? Why is marketing planning essential? Businesses operate in hostile and progressively complex environment. The ability of a business to achieve profitable sales is impacted by dozens of environmental factors, any of which are inter-connected.It makes sense to try to bring some order to this chaos by understanding the commercial environment and bringing some strategic sense to the process of marketing products and services. A marketing plan is useful to many people in a business. It can help to Identify sources of competitive advantage Gain commitment to a strategy Get resources needed to invest in and build the business Inform stakeholders in the business Set objectives and strategies Measure performance justification of behaviour and, therefore, exert significant influence on marketing ecisions.Why are values important in marketing? Caterpillar and relied on Just one line of smaller bulldozers for most of its revenues. markets such as industrial robots and semiconductors. If shape the marketing planning? To succeed in the long term, businesses need a vision of how they will change and improve in the future. The vision of the business gives it energy. It helps motivate employees. It helps set the direction of corporate and marketing providing better value for the customer than the competition. Marketing Marketing planning values and vision
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Conducting Scholarly Research Essay
Conducting Scholarly Re chaseThe following tutorials and information are mandatory, though no assignment is required to be submitted. The skills substantial in these tutorials allow be used through bring out the nursing program.Evaluating the resources you useOne of the major challenges today, with the sheer amount of information available at your fingertips via the Web, is find the reliability of the information presented. It can be quite difficult to determine the quality, authenticity, and authority of the information you encounter. However, in that respect are a number of tools and skills at your government activity that help to determine if the information you find is trustworthy and of academic quality. Watch the Evaluating Websites tutorial to break more about how to determine the quality of information implant on the Web. Review the tutorial Evaluating Websites, located at http// makes a resource donnish?Through out your courses at GCU you will be encouraged to use scholarly resources to support your assignments and discussion questions. But what is a scholarly source? Simply put, a scholarly source is a resource or research created, published, and or written by scholars and professionals in a specific discipline. In addition, a scholarly source should have undergone rigorous fact checking and peer review to go steady the research and information presented is of strong academic quality.The bulk of scholarly resources can be found in books and academic and/or professional journals. A vast majority of these are research based. A scholar or professional may publish articles in other resources, much(prenominal) as in magazines, newspapers, and crimson Web sites and blogs. However, these sources do not go through the rigorous fact checking that is expected from scholarly journals. This rigorous fact checking is called peer review. When a scholar or professional submits their article to be pu blished the journal will send the article to another expert in the field to review the dress. The reviewer will look to see that the quality is high, the research sound, and theconclusions in line with the work presented. If it is approved, it will then be published in the journal. This process gives students like you the added federal agency in the resource being used.How to find Scholarly ResearchThe Web is filled with information and resources. It is possible to find scholarly articles and research on the Web. However, or so will ask that you stir up over a fee to read the article. The GCU library has subscribed to a number of the journals so that you do not need to pay to read the research. These journals and articles are contained in collections called Databases. Some are multidisciplinary, but most are specific to a subject area. For instance, in nursing, the strongest databases include CINAHL, OVID, and the ProQuest Nursing & allied Health Source. These can be found on the Nursing subject page in the GCU library. Watch the GCU Library Walk Through Tutorial to learn how to access the library and its vast resources. The GCU Library Walk Through Tutorial is located at http// the CINAHL Tutorial to learn more about how to specifically use this nursing specific database. Pay special attention to the section discussing subject headings. Learning to use tools like these will help you design efficient search strategies and significantly reduce the time and frustration that comes with research. The CINAHL Tutorial is located at http// GCU library has a number of Librarians and moduleed trained specifically to assist you with your research. enthrall contact them if you have questions or concerns with finding information. They can help walk you through the technical aspects of victimisation a database and assist in developing search strategies that wil l enable you to find the information you need. Call them at 800.800.9776 ext. 6396641 or email them at using the form at http// constitutionWriting will be a large part of the work expected in this program. Scholarlywriting can often be intimidating, but there are a number of resources GCU has provided to ease this strain and help you learn to write good scholarly papers.A key to scholarly writing is using evidence to support your arguments. The skills you learn as a researcher will aid you in your writing. The purpose of education is to build your knowledge and the purpose of academia is to contribute to and build the knowledge of the culture as a whole. By taking the research and writings of others and evaluating and adding it as essential pieces of your own research, you then move the knowledge of both yourself and the community to the next step.To enable this process, it is essential to cite where the information is found that is used in y our papers. This is why scholars use citation styles, such as APA, to standardize how this is done and allow others to easily follow from where the information has come. This is, of course, in addition to the ethical reasons that argue that one should be acknowledged for the work that is done. Watch the tutorials below to learn more about scholarly writing and what resources are available to you.The Writing eye, located in the Student Success CenterWriting in APA Tutorial http// Plagiarism Tutorialhttp// Tutorialhttp// Writing Process Tutorial http// Center for Learning Advancement has a number of staff and tutors available to assist you in your academic writing. In addition they have a number of resources available at the cl ick of a button. Find out more at
Friday, May 24, 2019
True Friend or Opportunist?
The most vulnerable time to take advantage of your conversancy is when he is lost. As a genius, would you take advantage of his weakness and abuse it? In the play, the Tragedy of Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, a character named Markus Antagonist abuses the power of his friend after his friends death. Mark contrary may be a true friend however, he ingests his actions questionable. As a loyal friend, Mark Antonym plans to bet for revenge with the help from Octavos Caesar and stepped up to save Rome for Caesar.Antonym steps into the cane right after the moment Caesar gets killed. He sees the conspirators with their swords and bloody hands. Antonym gets this clever mentation of pretending to be on the same side as then. Once hes all alone with Careers dead body, he speaks truthfully. On act 3, scene 1, he says, All pity choked with custom of fell deeds And Careers spirit, ranging for revenge His speech shows how much hatred he has with the men and hints what he intends t o do well-nigh the murder. On the other hand, Antonym just might not be the loyal friend he seems to be to the public.He mustve had his own intentions. Mark Antonym stirs up the citizens to kill the assassins, Instead of him, and he Is willing to kill his own nephew. Antonym Is not exactly who he appears to be when It came to giving up on his nephew, he did not hesitate. In the scene where Antonym, Octavos, and Lipids discusses over a list of their enemies of who must be killed, Antonym reveals his heartless side by saying, He shall not live. Look, with a spot I damn him. As a demonstrative person as he, this hidden personality Is a surprise. These proofs make him a pitiless opportunist.Mark Antonym may seem one way to the public, but personally some of his actions show another. After the death of Caesar, Antonym quickly revealed his hidden side that showed him as either a friend or rival. From all of the gathered evidence, about Antonym loyalty to Caesar, Antonym Is considered a s an opportunist over a loyal friend because he showed that he was marking his sport on the throne, waiting for his chance to make a move for It. Although Mark Antonym may seem a little selfish, he Is a pretty clever man. He can be seen as a loyal friend or ruthless opportunist.It all depends on your perspective. By Catherine-Cocoon just might not be the loyal friend he seems to be to the public. He mustve had his Mark Antonym stirs up the citizens to kill the assassins, instead of him, and he is willing to kill his own nephew. Antonym is not exactly who he appears to be when it damn him. As a demonstrative person as he, this hidden personality is a surprise. Antonyms loyalty to Caesar, Antonym is considered as an opportunist over a loyal friend chance to make a move for it.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Succubus Blues CHAPTER 18
Around ten the next morning, the phone jolted me protrude of a dream Id been having ab list step up jellyfish and mint chocolate chip ice cream. Rolling all over, I picked it up, discovering in the process that I ached a lot little than I had last night. Immortal healing in action.hullo?Hey, its Seth.Seth Yester daylights events rushed sustain to me. The birthday party. The ice cream. The perfume. I again wondered who hed had to meet later dropping me off at the bookstore.Hi, I gushed, sitting up. How are you?Not bad. Im, uh, over at Emerald City, and I didnt confab you they said its your day off.Yeah, Ill be book binding tomorrow.Okay. So, um, do you compulsion to maybe do something today? Lunch? Or a movie maybe? Unless you acquire other plansNo not precisely I bit my lip, silencing the immediate acceptance that trusted to spring forth.I still had that strange, inexplicable attraction and sense of comfortable familiarity with Seth. I would cause want to hang out wi th him much than, alone I had already tried walking the line of friendship and dating with Roman, only to have that blow up in my flavour. It would be far better never to get started with Seth, despite my longings. Besides, I hadnt forgotten about my angelic bodyguard I didnt dutyfully want him tagging along. lift out to keep Carter indoors as long as possible.But Im sick.Really? Im sorry.Yeah, you hunch forward practiced that kind of run-down hit the haying. It wasnt entirely a lie. I dont really feel up to getting out today.Oh. Okay. Do you need anything? Do you want me to bring you any food maybe?No no, I hastily assured him, banishing images of Seth feeding me chicken soup while I lounged slightly in cute pajamas. Christ. This was going to be harder than I thought. I dont want you to have to keep taking care of me. Thanks, though.I dont mind. I mean, no problem.I should be in tomorrow, if this doesnt get worse so Ill see you then. mayhap we can have coffee. Or rather , Ill have coffee and you can not have coffee.Okay. Id like that. Not having coffee, I mean. Would you mind that is, can I harbor on you later? Call you again?Sure. The phone was safe enough.Okay. If you need anything before thenI know how to reach you.We said our high-pricedbyes and disconnected, and I clambered out of bed to see what mischief Carter had managed this morning. I found the angel sitting on a stool by my kitchen expect, feeding Aubrey sausage with one retrace it while he held some sort of breakfast sandwich in the other. An enormous McDonalds bag sat on the counter near him.I do breakfast, he told me, eyeball on Aubrey.Dont give her that, I chastised. Its bad for her.Cats dont eat kernels of dry food in the wilderness.Aubrey couldnt survive in the wilderness.I scratched her head, but she was more interested in licking the grease off her chops. Opening the bag, I found a variety of sandwiches and hash brown patties.I didnt know what youd want, Carter explained a s I pulled out a Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Biscuit.I bit into it, melting at that scrumptiousness, grateful weight gain and cholesterol were nonevents for me. Hey, wait. Did you actually go to McDonalds?Yup.I swallowed the food. You just left? Just now?Yup.What kind of bodyguard are you? What if the nephilim came back and attacked me?He eyed me and shrugged. You look okay to me.Youre not very good at this.Who was on the phone?Seth.The author?Yeah. Wanted to hang out today. I told him I was sick.Poor guy. Youre breaking his heart.Better that than something else. I finished the sandwich and went for a second one. Aubrey watched me hopefully.So what are we doing today?Nothing. At least, Im not going out, if thats what you mean.You arent going to attract nephilim attention that way. He glanced around my apartment and grimaced when I didnt respond. Its going to be a long day then. I hope you at least have cable.We spent the rest of the morning more or less staying out of each others way. I le t him use my laptop, and he got caught up in surfing eBay. What he could be looking for, I had no idea. As for me, I stayed in my pajamas subsequently all, tossing a robe over them and deeming that good enough. I attempted to call Roman once, knowing Id need to baptismal font him eventually, but I only managed to leave a voice mail fateage.I hung up with a sigh, opting to curl up on the couch with a book Seth had recommended in one of his e-mails.Just as I was starting to think Id recovered from the dense breakfast and needed lunch, Carter suddenly peered over the top of the laptop, like a hound sniffing the wind.I have to go, he told me abruptly, standing up.What? What do you mean? Nephilim signature.I bolted upright from my lounging position. What? Where?Not here.With that, he blinked out of sight.I sat there, looking around uneasily. Whereas earlier Id mat up stifled by his presence, his sudden disappearance became a gaping hole in my environment. I was exposed. Vulnerable. W hen he didnt return in a few minutes, I tried unsuccessfully to pay attention to my book, finally giving up after Id reread the analogous sentence five ages.Still wanting lunch, I called and ordered a pizza, making sure I included enough for Carter. Doing this wasnt the best of ideas on my part since it meant opening the door eventually. When I did, I expected no less than an army of nephilim outside. Instead, I only found a bored-looking pizza guy, demanding $15.07.I munched on the pizza and tried to watch television with little luck. Turning to the laptop, I checked my e-mail and found that Seth had sent me a cockeyed letter, ofttimes more eloquent than our earlier conversation, per usual. It only provided temporary distraction, and I was on the verge of breaking out the paint-by-number kit when Carter blinked back into my living room.What the cavity was that? Where have you been?The angel regarded me with a calm, wry smile. Easy there, havent you ever heard of respecting bou ndaries in a relationship? It was in that book you were so quick to discard. pass over it out. You cant just say nephilim signature and then disappear like that.I can actually. I have to. He found the cold pizza on my counter and bit into a piece. Swallowing, he continued, This nephilims got a real twisted sense of humor. Every once in a while, it likes to unmask f have words us, so to speak. This time it came from West Seattle.You can detect that from this far away?Jerome and I can. We never catch the creep, but we have to check it out anyway. Leads us on a merry chase.The implications seemed obvious to me. So you leave me? What if its a setup? What if it flashes you over there and then zaps back to me while all the attentions away?It cant just zap around. Nephilim dont fall down across like higher immortals do theyre constrained by the same limitations as you, fortunately. This one would have to get in a car and drive back over here, just like everyone else, which would hardly be a speedy process. Youre protected by miles of traffic congestion.Weird.Like we said, theyre unpredictable. They like breaking rules, shaking up the status quo just to see what well do.Weird, I repeated. Does it even know youre there? That its making you drop everything and come?If the nephilims close enough, itd be able to sense the teleporting but nothing else past that. As long as were masked, our identities, strength, and whatever stay hidden. So, if it is lurking, it knows two higher immortals came to check it out, but not much more than that.And it just watches and waits, I concluded. Kind of twisted. Lord, these things are a pain in the ass.Tell me about it. They do not go gently into that good night. I blinked at the poetic reference. Wait thats whats going to happen? Youre going to kill er, destroy it or something?Carter cocked his head toward me curiously. Whatd you think would happen? Ten years and parole?I dont know. I just figured wow. I dont know. Are you into that? The whole smiting thing? I mean, I suppose you guys vanquish evil on a unwavering basis, huh?We smite, as you so cutely term it, when we have to. Demons tend to be more into it than we are. In fact, Nanette even offered to come up and tackle care of this nephilim, he recalled, referring to Portlands archdemoness. But I told Jerome Id help.Wouldnt Jerome want to do it himself?Do you refuse backup when its offered? he asked me, answering my question with a question which, really, was no answer at all. Thinking about it, he laughed softly. Of course, I forget, Georgina rushes in where angels fear to tread.Yeah, yeah, I know how that quote really goes. I stood up and stretched. Well, if the excitements over, I think Ill take a bath.Wow. The harsh lifestyle of a succubus. I wish I had your job.Hey, our sides always recruiting. You might need to be a little prettier to be an incubus, though. And a little more charming.Untrue. Mortal women go for jerks. I see it all the time.Touche.I lef t him and took my bath, afterward finally giving up my pajamas for jeans and a T-shirt. I re dour to the living room, turned on the television, and found The African-Queen just starting. Carter closed the laptop and watched with me. Id always liked Katharine Hepburn but couldnt help marvel at what a dilatory day this was turning out to be. Avoiding going outside wouldnt do me any good in the long term since Id have to drag Carter around with me tomorrow anyway when I went to work. My self-imposed enclosure today only prolonged the inevitable. In light of this, I considered breaking the cabin fever by visual perception if he wanted to go to dinner after the movie. He shot up before I could speak, once more sensing a nephilim signature. in two ways in one day?It happens.Where now?Lynn wood.This guy gets around.But I was speaking to empty air Carter had disappeared. Sighing, I turned back to the movie, feeling a little more at ease after the angels last explanation. The nephilim was i n Lynnwood, trying to be a nuisance to Jerome and Carter. Commuting time was rapidly access, and Lynnwood was no small jump away. No nephilim would beat the angel back. As Carter had pointed out, I was safe for the time being. I had no need to panic.Yet, I nearly jumped out of my skin anyway when I heard the phone ring a few minutes later. Nervously, I picked up the receiver, imagining a nephilim blasting out of it.Hello?Hey. Its me again.Seth. Hi.Hope Im not bothering you. I just wanted to see how you areBetter, I told him sincerely. I liked your e-mail.Did you? Cool.Our normal silence fell. So did you get a lot of writing done today?I did actually. About ten pages. That never sounds like a lot, but A knock sounded at the door, and a chill ran down my spine. Can-can you hang on?Sure.Hesitantly, I prowled toward the door like a cat burglar, as though slow and drawn-out movements would actually do something against an insanely powerful supernatural being. Rea elevateg the door, I c arefully peered out the peephole.Roman.Exhaling with relief, I opened the door, resisting the urge to throw my arms around him. Hi.Are you public lecture to me? asked Seth through the phone.Hi, Roman told me, looking just as uncertain as I snarl. Can I come in? Er, no Im not, I mean, yes you can, and yes I am talking to you now. I stepped aside so Roman could enter. Look Seth, can I, um, call you back? Or maybe Ill just see you tomorrow, okay?Uh, yeah. I guess. Everything okay?Its fine. Thanks for calling.We hung up, and I gave Roman my full attention.Seth Mortensen, famous author?Ive been sick today, I explained, using the same let off Id given Seth. He just wanted to check on me.Terribly considerate of him. Roman put his hands in his pockets and paced.Were just friends.Of course you are. Because you dont date, right?Roman I cut off the onslaught that wanted to rush out, switching to safer territory. Can I get you anything? Soda? Coffee?I cant stay. I was passing through and g ot your message. I just thought Id I dont know what I was thinking. It was stupid.He turned as if to leave, and I frantically reached out, grabbing his arm. Wait. Dont. Please.He turned to face up me, looking down from his lofty height, the normally good-humored face grave today. Fighting my natural reaction at such proximity, I felt up surprised when his expression softened, and he noted, mildly astonished, You really arent feeling well.W-what makes you say that? I had shape-shifted my bruises away as Jerome had suggested and whatever smarting pain I felt was no long-range visible.Gingerly, he reached out and stroked my cheek, fingers becoming bolder. I dont know youre just kind of pale, I guess.I started to point out I wasnt wear makeup and then realized I wanted to appear sick. Probably a cold.He let his hand drop. Is there anything I can do for you? I dont like seeing you like thisLord, how bad did I look? Im fine. I just need rest. Look, about the other night Im sorry, he interrupted. I shouldnt have pushed you I stared, amazed. You didnt do anything. It was me. I was the nutjob. Im the one who couldnt turn to things.No, it was my fault. I knew how you felt about getting serious, and I still kissed you.I did as much kissing as you. That wasnt the problem. Me freaking out was the problem. I was drunk and stupid. I shouldnt have done that to you.Its no problem. Really. Im just glad youre okay. A faint smile glimmered on his handsome features, and I remembered Seth saying I was easy to forgive. Look, since we both feel were at fault, maybe we can make it up to each other. Go out sometime this week and No. The calm certainty in my voice startled both of us.Georgina No. Roman, we arent going out anymore and I dont think we can really pull off friends either. I swallowed. Itd be better if we just make a clean break Georgina, he exclaimed, eyes widening. You cant be serious. You and I I know. I know. But I cant do this. Not now.Youre breaking up with me.Well, we werent ever really going outWhat happened to you? he demanded. What happened to you at some point in your life that made you so terrified of getting close to another person? What makes you run like this? Who get you?Look, its complicated. And it doesnt matter. That past is gone, remember? I just cant do this with you now, okay?Is there someone else? Doug? Or Seth?No Theres no one. I just cant be with you.We went around and around, rephrasing the same points in different ways, our emotions growing and growing. It felt like forever, but really only a few minutes passed as he pressed and I refused. He never turned angry or pushy, but his dismay was clearly apparent, and I felt certain Id predict as soon as he left.Finally, glancing at the time, he ran a hand ruefully through his dark hair, turquoise eyes luminous with regret. I have to go. I want to talk to you more No. I dont think we should. Its better. Ive really liked being with youHe laughed harshly, walking toward the door. Dont say that. Dont carbohydrate coat things.Roman I felt horrible. Anger and grief were written all over his face. Please understand See you around, Georgina. Or maybe not.He had barely slammed the door when tears spilled down my cheeks. Going to my bedroom, I lay down on my bed, ready for a good cry that never came. No more tears issued forth, in spite of my mixed feelings of despair and relief. Part of me wanted to call Roman back right now, make him return to me the other part coolly warned I now had clear reason to cut Seth off as soon as possible before things escalated. swell Lord, why did it seem I was always hurting people I cared about? What was it about me that made me repeat this cycle over and over? Romans devastated face still hovered in my mind, but I took comfort in the fact that he hadnt been traumatized as much as Kyriakos. Not nearly as much.The find of my affair with Ariston had led to condemnation from both our families and an impending divorce coup led with the loss of my dowry. I think I might have been able to handle that scorn, even the hateful looks. What I could not handle was the way Kyriakos had been stripped of all life and caring. I almost wished he would turn angry and lash out at me, but there was nothing like that within him. Nothing at all. I had destroyed him.After several days of separation, I found him sitting on one of the rocky outcroppings overlooking the water. I tried to engage him in conversation a number of times, but he wasnt responding to any of it. He would only stare out at that expanse of blue, face dead and expressionless.I stood by him, my own emotions writhing inside me. I had reveled in being a forbidden object of desire with Ariston, but I also wanted to be one of love with Kyriakos. I couldnt have it both ways apparently.I reached out to wipe the tears from his cheeks, and he slapped my hand away. It was the closest he had ever come to hitting me.Dont, he warned, springiness up. Dont ever tou ch me again. You sicken me.I felt my own tears now, even if his anger meant he was still alive. Please it was a mistake. I dont know what happened.He laughed hollowly, a terrible, mirthless sound. Dont you? You seemed to know perfectly well at the time. So did he.It was a mistake.He turned his back to me and walked over to the edge of the cliff, complete(a) out at the sea. He spread his arms out and tipped his head back, letting the wind blow over him. Gulls cried nearby. Wh-what are you doing?I am flying, he told me. If I keep flying right over this edge, I will be happy again. Or better yet, I wont feel anything at all. I wont think about you anymore. I wont think about your face or your eyes or the way you smile or the way you smell. I wont love you anymore. I wont hurt anymore.I approached him, half-afraid my presence would make him go over. Stop it. Youre scaring me. You dont mean any of this.Dont I?He looked at me, and there was no more anger or cynicism. Only grief. Sorrow. Despair. Depression blacker than a moonless night. It was terrible and frightening. I wanted him to snap at me again, to yell at me. I would have even let him hit me, if only to see some sort of heat in him. There was none of that, though. Only darkness.He gave me a sad, bleak smile. The smile of one already dead.I will never forgive you.PleaseYou were my life, Letha but no more. No more. I have no life now.He walked away, and even as my heart broke, I exhaled in relief to see him moving away from the cliff. I wanted to run after him but gave him his space instead. Sitting down in his spot, I drew my knees up and buried my face in them, half wishing I was dead.Hell come back here, you know, a voice suddenly said behind me. The pull is too strong. And next time, he may go over.I jerked my head up, startled. I hadnt heard anyone approach. I didnt recognize the man who now stood there, odd in a town where everyone knew everyone else. He was slim and well-groomed, dressed in clothes mor e elegant than I usually saw around here.Who are you?They call me Niphon, he said with a small bow. And you are Letha, Marthanes daughter, formerly wife of Kyriakos.I still am his wife.But not for long.I turned my face away. What do you want?I want to help you, Letha. Id like to help you with this mess youve gotten yourself into.No one can help me. Not unless you can undo the past.No. No one can undo the past. I can make people forget it, though.I slowly turned back to him, assessing his bright eyes and dapper manner. Stop joking. Im not in the mood.I assure you, I am most earnest.Staring at him, I suddenly somehow knew he was telling the truth, as impossible as it was to believe. Later I would check into that Niphon was an imp, but at the time, I had only sensed that he had a strange air about him, the whispering of power that promised he really could do what he said.How?His eyes gleamed, not unlike Hughs when he was on the edge of a major deal. To erase the memory of what youve done is no small feat. It carries a price.Can you make me forget too?No. But I can make everyone else forget. Your family, your friends, the town. Him.I dont know I dont think I could go back to them then. Even if they didnt remember, I still would. I couldnt face Kyriakos like that. Unless I hesitated, wondering if it might not be better never to come in contact with them again. Can you make them forget me altogether? Make it like Ive never been born?Niphondrew a sharp, excited breath. Yes, oh yes. But a regard like that a favor like that carries an even higher priceHed explained it to me then, what Id have to give in return to completely blot me from the minds of those Id known. My soul was a given. Id carry it as long as I walked the earth, but it would have a lease on it, so to speak. That was the standard price for any darned deal. But hell wanted more of me my eternal service in the corruption of souls. I would spend the rest of my days seducing men, fulfilling their fantasi es for my own gain and for those whom I served. It was an ironic fate, considering what had brought me to this point.To aid me, Id gain the ability to take any form I chose, as well as the power to enhance my own charm. And of course, Id have eternal life. Immortality and invulnerability. For some, that might have been benefit alone.Youd be good. One of the best. I can sense it within you. Imps had the ability to look into a persons soul and nature. almost people think desire is only in the body, but its here too. He touched my forehead. And you would never die. You would stay young and beautiful forever, until the earth perishes.And after that?He smiled. Thats a long way off, Letha, whereas your husbands life is at stake now.That had been what sold me. The knowledge that I could save Kyriakos and give him a new life, a life free of me where he would have a chance to be happy once more. A life where I could slink away from my sink and maybe even be rightfully punished. My soul wh ich I barely understood anyway seemed a small price. Id agreed to the bargain, outset shaking on it, then putting my mark on paperwork I couldnt read. Niphon left me, and I returned to town. It was eerily simple.When I returned, it was exactly as he had promised. The wish had already been carried out. No one knew me. Passing people people Id known my entire life gave me the glances reserved for strangers. My own sisters walked by me without recognition. I wanted to find Kyriakos, to see if it was the same for him, but I couldnt muster the courage. I didnt want him to see my face, not ever again, even if he didnt recognize it. So I spent the day wandering, trying to accept the fact that I was gone to these people. It was harder than I thought it would be. And sadder.When nightfall came, I retreated again to the outskirts of town. I had nowhere to stay, after all. No family or friends. Instead, I sat in the dark, watching the moon and stars, wondering what I was supposed to do now . The answer came quickly.She rose almost from the ground, at first appearing as nothing more than a shadow, then gradually coalescing into the shape of a woman. The air vibrated with power around her, and suddenly I felt suffocated. I backed up, terror filling every part of me, my lungs unable to take in air. Wind rose from nowhere, whipping my hair and flattening the grass around me.Then, she stood before me, and the night was still again. Lilith. Queen of the Succubi. Lady of the Night. The First Woman.Fear like I had never known swept over me and lust. I had never been attracted to a woman before, but Lilith has that effect on everyone. It is fixed in her being. No one can resist her.She wore a tall, slim shape that night, graceful and lovely. Her skin was the pale white of the aristocracy of that time a white never achieved by those of us who worked outside regularly. Her hair was a ravens wing of black, fall in gleaming waves to her ankles. And her eyes well, let me just say theres a reason the old myths call succubi flame-eyed. Her eyes were beautiful and deadly, promising anything you could ever want or desire if only you would let her help you. I still cant remember what color they were, but I could not look away from them that night.Letha, she crooned, approaching me. The air shimmered around her, and I actually trembled now from my desire. I wanted to run but instead sank to my knees, both from respect and the inability to stand. She came to me and tipped my chin so that I had to look in those eyes again. Sharp, black nails dug painfully into my skin, and it felt wonderful. You will be my own daughter now, spreading disagree and passion for the rest of your days. You will be both punisher and tester, a creature of both dreams and nightmares. Mortals will do anything for you, just for a touch. You will be love and desired until the earth is dust.I whimpered at her proximity, and then she moved closer still, lifting me up so I stood before her. Those glorious lips came to mine, and that kiss shot orgasmic amusement through my body. My cries were lost, smothered in that kiss. I closed my eyes, unable to look at her and unable to break away. I soaked into that ecstasy pulsing over and over in my body. And yet, as I let that bliss consume me, something else happened too.My mortality was being stripped away.It felt like disintegrating, like I had expire ashes in the wind. I wondered if that was how death felt. Like you were nothing. Gone. Then, just as quickly, I was put back together, myself once more. But I could feel the power hot through me now, different from the life that filled humans. My immortality shone like a star in the night, cold and pure. No longer would old age threaten. No longer would sickness haunt me. No longer would my flesh be passionately driven by the knowledge that time was short, that I had to leave my mark on the world. That I had to pass on my blood.I opened my eyes, and the onslaught of pleasure disappeared. So did Lilith. I stood alone in the darkness, quivering with my newfound power. And with that power, I could feel something more an itch in my flesh. An itch that told me my skin could become anything I wanted it to be with only a thought. I was reborn. I was empowered.And I was ravenousWhats wrong?Blinking back tears, I looked up at Carter. He stood in the doorway to my bedroom, pushing a lock of hair out of his eyes, face concerned.Nothing, I muttered, burying my face in my pillow. No nephilim ?No nephilim. An awkward pause followed. Look are you sure youre okay? Because you dont look okay.Im fine. Didnt you hear me?He still wouldnt give up, though. I know were not that close, but if you need to talk Like youd understand, I scoffed, venom in my voice. Youve never had a heart. You dont know what its like, so dont even pretend like you do.Georgina.Go. Away. Please.I turned back toward my pillow, waiting for another protest, but none came. When I dared a peek, the ang el was gone.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
How does the filming help to make ââ¬ËThe Shiningââ¬â¢ an exceptional Horror movie? Essay
Stanley Kubrick a.k.a. The Master Filmmaker, was born on July 26, 1928 in the Bronx, New York City. By age 13 he had developed passions for jazz, drumming, chess and photography. In 1951 at 23 years of age, Kubrick used his savings to finance his first film, a 16-minute documentary short about boxer Walter Cartier.On March 7th, 1999, Stanley Kubrick died in his sleep of a heart attack. He was 70 years old.The Shining is a typical example of the horror genre because it works by arousing irrational fear. Stanley Kubrick uses step tweak imagery to make the terror in the horror, controlled and not too over whelming for the audience, to make it fancym more believable. The horror is a paradox because it presents a survey of terror to the audience but the audience try to fight everything the director is trying to achieve by telling themselves that, it is just a exposure, its not real, you layaboutt sc be me.The Shining was based on Stephen Kings third published novel, which became a be st seller upon its release in 1977. What withal makes The Shining such an exceptional horror movie is the way Stanley Kubrick keeps the horror hidden from the audience and worry most good horror films, there is ever so a sense of the supernatural, good vs. evil and a sense of isolation.Personally I feel that the Shining is a typical horror film because its a situation where the victims are isolated from the outside world and there is a mad man or approximatelything out of the ordinary killing them, which is real of most horror films like Nightmare on Elm Street, The Ring, Signs, Jeepers Creepers 1 and 2 and Dracula.The tv camera at the start of the film is moving over a huge mountain pass. We are shown a tiny Volkswagen car driving down a road, the film has mevery of the most beautiful, atmospheric cinematography, by John Alcott. This scene gives the impression of mans vulnerability, when seen against the massive powers of nature a sense of the other is likewise created her e by the frolicsome photography a dark power looking down on the tiny beetle.Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) is attending a job interview for the vex of a winter caretaker at The Overlook Hotel, located in the rockies of Colorado, built on an Indian burial ground. At the beginning of this film Jack conducts himself as a calm, charming man. He goes for the interview looking smart wearing a collar and a tie, shaven and looking very confident. During his interview the camera is films from behind Jack, making it seem as though someone or something is watching Jack a sense of the other and there are some frontal shots in which the background is peach, soft and warm. This presents a comforting, secure atmosphere.As the movie builds up we begin to release that the Overlook Hotel is not just any other normal Hotel but haunted although the horror is kept hidden from us we just see parts of the supernatural, although as we discover through the movie that this is much more than a mere haunt ed house tale. One of the things that makes it so interesting is that it shows a wide variety of elements that lead to Jacks monomania to the point that we are left with the question on our minds whether it really was the house that leads to Jacks insanity or the isolation for six months, so far from the outside world or Jacks own psychological make-up or even reincarnation.We are also told very earliest in the film, that the hotel has something of a history, in summary, some years previously, a crazed-psycho (the ex-caretaker) killed his wife and two children by chopping them up into small pieces with an axe But once the family pacify into the caretaker lifestyle it turns out that Torrances wife does most of the caretaking while her grouchy husband seeks inspiration for a novel he is writing.At first everything goes closely but as time goes by, he gets increasingly frustrated with his failure to write and takes it out on his wife (Shelly Duvall). Slowly, Jack begins to change h e becomes pale, his vestments become rougher looking more like a labourer and becomes more and more irritable & malevolent towards both his wife and son. In the background, their son play by Danny Lloyd also starts having problems of his very own when he starts receiving psychic visions (E.S.P) of reduplicate girls who were murdered a couple of years ago by their father who was also the caretaker at the Hotel and there are warnings from Tony of redrum which spells murder when you read it backwards.It is clear that both Jack and Danny have some form of psychic gift as they are both able to pick-up the Hotels own psychic emissions of the horrors that it has seen. The down side is that the visions end up making Jack, go insane. Throughout the movie, the camera follows the action like someone is watching (presence in the Hotel) and there is always a sense of claustrophobia, For example when Danny is cycling in the corridors and he meets the two murdered girls, the camera when he meets them zooms to his face then back to the girls four times and gets closer with each shot then a close up again to Danny then a close up of the girls dead bodies four times but not for long so that the audience probably would not find it sickening.We know that the twin girls are ghosts because there is an axe on the floor and blood, and when talking to Danny they use repetition, Come and play with us, for ever and ever and ever which is the Lords Prayer. afterward that scene Jack sees a vision of a lift and when the doors open blood flows like a river, Personally I felt that this was technically apt(p) because it emphasis on the horror aspect.The scariest moment in the movie is when Jack has gone completely insane and is trying to correct his wife and son because he had no real idea what his job as the caretaker there was really till Mr Grady (ex-caretaker) had told him to kill his family because they were trying to damage the house and that his son had brought a washed-out cook i nto the house, the climax of the scariest point is when Jack says Heres Johnny which was rated scariest horror scene out of hundred horror films. This is clever as it uses clowning to make the tragedy seem even more horrific.The end scene is a shot of Jack, frost-bitten and dead in the snow apparently hours later, is a straightforward and scary ending. But Stanley Kubrick delivers an ultimate conclusion, which Stephen King could never have achieved in his novel. The haunting music begins again, the camera sweeps to a framed photo on the wall, and we see a portrait of a ballroom party from decades ago. After the camera zooms in thrice, Jack is seen in the centre of the photo, and the caption reads, Overlook Hotel, 1921. This caption indicates that Jack, or at least his spirit, has always been present in the Overlook Hotel.Kubrick brilliantly arranges each shot in the film so that the viewer is easily force into the story. There is no single scene, shot, or camera angle, which does not denote a deeper meaning or have symbolic value.This movie is perhaps Stanley Kubricks greatest work. I feel that this movie could not have had a better cast, and there is nowhere else in the world where this movie could have been set.I feel that Jack Nicholsons performance in The Shining was absolutely stunning. I also feel that without Jack Nicholson, The Shining would have been just another(prenominal) haunted house film. Jack Nicholsons depiction of a man teetering on the brink of insanity was brilliant. We watch in terror as the insanity slowly settles in and exploding fiercely into this man, transforming him from one who is trying to repair his fragile family life into a stark raving lunatic bent on destroying everything he loves. It is truly a magical movie experience. So I feel that The Shining really is the greatest horror movie ever made.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Baseball and Boxing from Pre-modern to Modern
Baseball and boxing make up a genuinely large portion of the the Statesn sports culture, and for more than 100 years have developed into the victor, nationwide and international games that we can see on television today. In the 1870s baseball started to be acknowledged as Americas national sport, however boxing enjoyed a similar popularity and both of these sports have changed from small-time amateur pastimes into televised, professional partnership sports that bring in millions of dollars each year and pay their athletes considerable amounts of money to keep on playing.While both baseball and boxing may now, and always have, attracted a different sort of crowd, they have both nevertheless developed along very similar lines. In 1869 the Cincinnati Red Stockings were formed the team was the very firstborn professional baseball team and it went undefeated that first year after being challenged by many amateur teams (Goldstein, 1989, p. 70).Over the subsequent years (more than a cen tury) since the inauguration of the National League and the American League, two factors of the game have changed significantly the integration of ethnic minorities into the major Leagues and the fact the game itself has become less groundless than it was in its earlier years. In the 1890s, the segregation of black and white baseball teams began, following an initial period of integration that was very short-lived (White, 1995, p. 140). The Negro Leagues bodied several different non-white leagues into one general outsider structure of teams that were comprised predominantly of black players.Other ethnic minorities would have been relegated to these leagues instead of joining the National or American Leagues, which were solely comprised of white, male players. In 1945, after a huge push from many people within professional baseball that echoed the sentiments of an anti-racist American population, black baseball player Jackie Robinson was signed to the Montreal Royals and in a few short years the Negro Leagues would disband due to full integration. The early baseball players were non plainly taking part in a segregationist sport, they were also playing the game with much more violence than they are today.They tried harder to steal bases and to come to runs than experts feel todays players do where once it was not uncommon for runners to physically interject when the basemen tried to catch a throw, now base runners lead simply run to their base and let the field and basemen do their jobs. It is fair to say that the game has mellowed. Boxing has exhibited great similarity to the development of baseball in America, albeit an entirely different sport. Where baseball is a team game mutualist on specific rules of play, boxing emerged as a sport totally dependent on the strength and will of one man to simply overpower another in a direct fist-fight.Bare-knuckle boxing is the ancestor of todays boxing, a sport that is blatantly violent however in comparison to s ome of the fights that took place in the 19th century. Boxing in its infancy was carried to America by British settlers and has forever secured a place in the hearts of many sport enthusiasts in groundbreaking day. This is another sport that has become emphatically less violent and which has also seen its participators overcome the segregation that was rampant in early American society (Gorn, 1986, p. 128).In place of very strict guidelines where whites and blacks must not engage each other in sport, analogous in the baseball leagues, it was more common for mixed fighting to occur in boxing. The crowds could be huge at any event, and often the pitting of a white champion against a black one would draw even more attention to the charge where thousands of would-be spectators were turned away. This was a sport in which black athletes could really carve a niche for themselves and, while constantly facing discrimination like any other minority at the time, a boxer could literally fi ght his way out of racial oppression.Bare-knuckle boxing is not extinct, however professional boxers are required to wear gloves that will not only protect their hands but their opponents as well. The sport is not as spread over and less of its participants will leave the ring with broken bones, however there can be no doubt that boxing is still a very primal, violent sport. Superficially speaking, it bears no resemblance to baseball, however these are two American sports that have evolved with a change in racial tensions and equality issues and with modern concerns over health and safety.Both have tamed considerably and allow minorities to play professionally. Reference List Goldstein, W. J. (1989). Playing for Keeps A History of archean Baseball. New York Cornell University. Gorn, E. J. (1986). The manful Art Bare-Knuckle Prize Fighting in America. New York Cornell University. White, S. and Malloy, J. (compiler) (1995). Sol Whites History of Colored Base Ball, with Other Docume nts on the Early Black Game 1886
Monday, May 20, 2019
INFORMATIVE SPEECH OUTLINE DEPRESSION JIMENA VILLEGAS SPC1017 INTRODUCTION Hook How m any of you atomic number 18 going by means of first gear? Or do you have friends and/or family members who argon going through first? Thesis Statement Today I volition talk ab turn out mental picture. I will talk virtually the background, the defecates of this disease, the manifestations and finally, the treatment and prevention of depression. BODY I. Background A. What is depression? 1. According to Dr. Jane Doe from www. wellness. yahoo. com, drop-off is a mood disorder that makes you feel sad or hopeless for a period of beat.Dr John Doe states in his article, The People Who Suffer from slack that Depression toilet have a signifi abidet impact on the enjoyment of your emotional state, your work, your health and to the pack who care about you. Depression affects people differently. Some people feel d take for a period of time and others feelings come and go. If you have curtly ter m depression you are still able to work and take care of daily activities. only when if you have a long period of depression and dont seek any build of treatment you are more at stake of becoming even more depressed or becoming physically ill. B.How many people are affected by depression? 1. According to the health originals at, www. nmha. org. com Depression has affected more than 19 million American adults each year. And yet, the non-reported fulfilers of depression cannot be estimated. Depressive sickness often interferes with normal functions of e very day sprightliness, as well as, causing physical pain for those who suffer from depression. Serious depression can destroy familys lives as well as the mortal affected. A lot of people, who are depressed, do not seek help or treatment. II. Causes of depressionA. According to www. psychlogyinfo. com, depression is often caused by a stressful life event, illnesses, or certain drugs or medication. B. Depression can be caused by a serious loss, relationship problems, and work stress, family crisis, financial problems, or any uninvited life change. III. Symptoms A. Depression is more than on the button the normal, temporary felling of sadness and hopelessness. It has other factors that your health care professional can help you with. B. Dr Jane Doe claims Depression has other symptoms. Her article on www. harvardmedical. com, provides many examples of symptoms.Here are a few from her list a. Depressive mood. b. Not enjoying the daily activities in your life. c. Problems concentrating. d. Poor memory. e. Having trouble making decisions. f. Changes in alimentation habits. g. Weight gain or weight loss. h. Changes in eating habits. i. Difficulty going to work or taking care of daily responsibilities. j. Slow thoughts and speech. k. Feeling immorality and hopelessness. Wondering if life is worth living. l. Thoughts of dying and self-destruction. IV. Treatment/Prevention A. Depression is normally treated suc cessfully with professional counseling and/or prescribed medication.People with depression can be treated as outpatients or in nearly cases a person has to be hospitalized. B. According to www. health. org. com, hither are some ways to prevent you from becoming depressed. a. Try to be with other people. Its better than being al wholeness. b. Participate in activities that may make you feel better. c. small exercise. d. Going to a movie, a ballgame, or weakenicipating in religious, social, or other activities that may help. e. roughly importantly let your family and friends help. CONCLUSION Today Ive talked about depression. Ive given you the background, causes, symptoms, and treatment options lendable for depression.According to the American Psychiatric Association, at to the lowest degree 3 in 10 people will arrive depressed in their lifetime. That means at least 30% of you could suffer from depression. Even though depression is a very stressful and serious disease, we shou ld always protect ourselves from get it. Always ask your family and friends for help. They can be the some helpful people in your life. Get treatment as soon as you can. Remember your love ones are there for you. Dont hesitate. Depression is a very breakneck disease that can affect your loved ones, and especiallyDepressionDepression is not only a state of being sad, it is a disease that conquers the ability to feel emotion, whether good or bad, whatsoever. Depression not only involves the mind, it also involves the body and thoughts. Depression is not a disease that only influences males or children of the get on three to eleven. Every human being is prone to depression. Although women are three times more apt(predicate) to become depressed than men, men are five times more the likely to commit suicide when depressed than women.Although all age groups are open to depression, teenagers are the almost common to be hear of being affected by the disease. This is probably because of peer pressure and the changes in their life. One great risk for becoming depressed is if you smoke. Some scientists hold to believe that smoking may be linked to Depression. baccy smoke kills off an enzyme that is responsible for breaking down a nerve cell chemical that activates joy seeking behavior. virtually experts believe a combination of family history (your genes) and stressful life events may cause depression.Genes people whose family members have had depression are more likely to go through a depression period. Life events are a major cause of depression for example the lost of a loved one, had a baby (depression after birth), recently divorced, constant stress, substance abuse, or any other life changing event. How do you know if you are going through a depression? Well here are some symptoms Sadness and loss of satisfaction in things once enjoyed are probably the most known symptoms. But some symptoms are sometimes overlooked. Guilt is one symptom that coincides wit h depression vastly.When feelings of guilt are put on a person they lose what hope they once had. They blame themselves for things that they are not accountable for and have extreme feelings of hopelessness. Other symptoms overlooked are insomnia and loss of appetite. Not getting enough sleep may be linked to stress and guilt. Feeling hopeless, worthless or guilty. Losing zip or feeling tired all the time. Having problems concentrating, remembering, or making decisions and one of the most important symptom is thinking about death or hurting one self.Depressed individuals have shorter life expectanciesthan those without depression, in part because of greater susceptibility tomedicalillnesses and suicide. There are three different types of depression. Major Depression is the most severe case of depression that there is. The symptoms for Major Depression are just like any other type of depression. To be Majorly Depressed you do not have to have been hospitalized or medicated. loads of people get depression confused with extreme sadness. Depression is not a term just to be thrown around it is a evere state of being. The diagnosis of major depressive disorder is based on the patients self-reported experiences, behavior reported by relatives or friends, and amental status examination. Typically, patients are treated withantidepressant drug medication and, in many cases, also receivepsychotherapyor counseling, although the effectiveness of medication for soft or moderate cases is questionable. Dysthymic Depression is a low level of depression that lasts up to at least two years and in most cases longer.When one is diagnosed with Dysthymic Depression they are very resistant to treatment. Although Dysthymic Depression is not as severe as Major depression it is still very important. Dysthymics will usually undergo a Major Depression episode sometime during their dysthymic period. bipolar Depression, also known as, wild Depression, is yet another type of Depression. This type has very different symptoms than that of Major Depression or Dysthymia. The symptoms of Bipolar Disorder are having both very high and very low mood swings.When one has manic Depression one day they could be extremely happy and the next in a very severe depressive mood. This change in mood can happen over hours or over a period of time. Sometimes depression can be avoided all together. Having a good home life and a high self-esteem would be primary for people not to be depressed. Although in some cases you are predisposition to have depression, little things do help. Talking about your problems and not bottling them up helps immensely to avoid emotional breakdowns and blowups.Avoiding extreme stressers, like putting yourself in a situation you cannot get out of, also helps. Avoidance of cigarettes and alcohol also helps with staying healthy and happy. Offer goodwill to others, learn to detach from thoughts, occur busy, avoid feelings of guilt, live a balanced life, dont base your happiness solely on other people, have low expectations, dont dwell on the negative, exercise, get a unfaltering sleep schedule, have healthy meals, and a very important one is to talk to a rofessional like a counselor or psychologist. pic Facts Almost 10 percent of Americans have depression in a given year. Depression is the leading cause of disability in the U. S. for people ages 15 to 44. Depression is one of the most common and treatable mental health disorders. Major depression can occur in children, teens, and adults. Most patients who have depression can be effectively treated, and they can return to their normal activities and feelings. Depression distorts your thinking.When you are depressed, your mind can play tricks on you. Depression makes you selfish. Its very hard to think of otherpeoplewhen youre wrapped in a prickly blanket of sadness, and all you can think about is your own pain People dont choose to be depressed, but they do make a choice about how to deal with it Depression can be as hard on your loved ones as it is on you In the United States, around 3. 4% ofpeoplewith major depression commitsuicide, and up to 60% of people who commit suicide had depression or another mood disorder
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Contrast between Growing up as a Single Child
My brother and I always compare and command to the better than each other. Since I put up experienced both growing as only barbarian and with siblings, I hand over several perspectives similarities and differences between rising up in single nipper family and having siblings. No matter we take a crap siblings or not, are the first one we communicate with, so parents are their piece model in their childhood. Parents are the one who rouse affect their children the most(prenominal). It may determine their personality by different methods of parenting.Growing up as only child and with siblings can have similar personality. For instance, I have a younger bother but my friend does not. Our parents have similar occupation and they are garrulous people. When my friend and was developing our personality, we both have a out-going mind and easy to talk with people. Therefore, parents are the most important characteristic when we are growing up. single children dont grow up with inter action, so they read to be children on their own. Children, who have brothers and sisters, are raised among heir siblings.They tend to compare with their playmates. When they have conversation, play games together, or solve problems, they can share their different opinions In order to learn how to cooperate with people. By the metre they are growing up, elder siblings always can help parents to take care younger siblings. junior siblings also can learn from older siblings because children are easier to intimate what are other people doing. Only children would have less opportunity to get interaction and cooperation. Another difference is getting and sharing stuffs.Growing up with brothers and sister has to share everything in the family, such as rooms, toys, etc. In the single child family, parents have only one kid to spend money on and he or she does not have to share stuffs with anybody. Therefore, they can get more toys than the children who have siblings. Only children have all things that parents are given. For example, if in that location are two families from middle class and have enough money to afford one child to study aboard, the child, who does not have filings will get the chance to study overseas because only children family can spend all the money to one child.However, the families, which have more than one child, need to balance what their kids needed. In this case, parents are most likely not a single child and with siblings are more than the similarities of those. They born(p) have pros and cons. But, I feel grateful that I have a younger bother. He makes me to learn sharing and cooperating earlier than single children. I feel there always someone accompanies me.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Beowulf: the Film vs. the Text
Throughout time, many stories sire been altered to suit a particular time period. oft times a put downs adaptation is much diametrical than textual matter adaptations while the ii can also be real similar. Over the span of hundreds of geezerhood in that location have been dual interpretations of Beowulf detailing the similarities and differences between the 2007 inject and the various text versions. The portrayal of two King Hrothgars and Grendels appearance and personalities are different in the film than in the text.In the operation picture version, he was pictured as being an unstable alcoholic. This quote from the film demonstrates this, I compli workforcets mead Give me some mead, my puff (Beowulf Top Ten Quotes) In the film King Hrothgar is also envisioned as being a disgrace to his wife, in the write version on the other take place he was portrayed as a noble and mighty king who was adored by solely his loyal subjects. They said that of each(prenominal) the kings upon the earth he was the man most gracious and fair-minded, kindest to his bulk and keenest to promote fame (Beowulf Top Ten Quotes).In the movie, in that respect was mention of an matter that King Hrothgar had. This quote from the film exposes the queens pain as she discovers the affair, How could I ever lay with you, knowing you laid with her (Beowulf Top Ten Quotes)? In the text edition there is no express of any affair. In the picture Grendel had a very apathetic appearance. In the written material he was personified as an enormous monster thatis feared by ? Hamilton 2 all of Herot. This quote demonstrates his tormenting of the people by Grendel. There have been many great men who have come, but in the daybreak there was nothing left but blood on the floor, and the ventures, and the walls (Memorable Quotes for Beowulf (2007)). In the film Grendel had the ability to converse and he was sensitive to light and sound. The way exposit and events were explained was dif ferent in one of the two versions. In the film for example, King Hrothgar commits suicide, there is no evidence in the text supporting this.The film implies that Beowulf takes involvement in the queen, while in the text there is no evidence of any romantic enkindle among them. This line from the film shows Beowulfs interest, Me Its not me he wants, my queen (Memorable Quotes for Beowulf (2007))? The film states that Beowulf not only had an affair with Grendels Mother but also had a child with her. In the movie Beowulf marries the queen afterwards Hrothgars death and eventually cheats on her similar to how Hrothgar did.The text details a tower that was consecrated to Beowulf after his demise however the film eludes any mention of a tower. Wiglaf was crowned king onwards Beowulfs demise in the movie but the text insinuates that the crowning(a) occurred after his death. The battles were illustrated differently in both variations. For instance The Battle with Grendels Mother never t ranspired kinda she had a child with Beowulf. In The Battle with Grendel, the film insinuates that the men were awake when Grendel attacked and he also attacked legion(predicate) men.In the text on the hand, the men were asleep when he attacked and he only attacked Wiglaf. In The Battle with The firedrake viewers learned that he was actually Beowulfs son. Throughout time there have been multiple analyses of Beowulf detailing the similarities and differences between the 2007 film and the various text translations. There are a wide veer of differences in the film versus the text. These differences course from something as little as the appearances of main characters to the depiction of major events and details.Beowulf the submit vs. the TextThroughout time, many stories have been altered to suit a particular time period. Often times a films adaptation is much different than text adaptations while the two can also be very similar. Over the span of hundreds of years there have bee n multiple interpretations of Beowulf detailing the similarities and differences between the 2007 film and the various text versions. The portrayal of both King Hrothgars and Grendels appearance and personalities are different in the film than in the text.In the motion picture version, he was portrayed as being an unstable alcoholic. This quote from the film demonstrates this, I want mead Give me some mead, my queen (Beowulf Top Ten Quotes) In the film King Hrothgar is also portrayed as being a disgrace to his wife, in the written version on the other hand he was portrayed as a noble and mighty king who was adored by all his loyal subjects. They said that of all the kings upon the earth he was the man most gracious and fair-minded, kindest to his people and keenest to win fame (Beowulf Top Ten Quotes).In the movie, there was mention of an affair that King Hrothgar had. This quote from the film exposes the queens pain as she discovers the affair, How could I ever lay with you, knowin g you laid with her (Beowulf Top Ten Quotes)? In the text edition there is no evidence of any affair. In the picture Grendel had a very apathetic appearance. In the written material he was personified as an enormous monster thatis feared by ? Hamilton 2 all of Herot. This quote demonstrates his tormenting of the people by Grendel. There have been many great men who have come, but in the morning there was nothing left but blood on the floor, and the ventures, and the walls (Memorable Quotes for Beowulf (2007)). In the film Grendel had the ability to speak and he was sensitive to light and sound. The way details and events were explained was different in one of the two versions. In the film for example, King Hrothgar commits suicide, there is no evidence in the text supporting this.The film implies that Beowulf takes interest in the queen, while in the text there is no evidence of any romantic interest among them. This line from the film shows Beowulfs interest, Me Its not me he wants , my queen (Memorable Quotes for Beowulf (2007))? The film states that Beowulf not only had an affair with Grendels Mother but also had a child with her. In the movie Beowulf marries the queen after Hrothgars death and eventually cheats on her similar to how Hrothgar did.The text details a tower that was dedicated to Beowulf after his demise however the film eludes any mention of a tower. Wiglaf was crowned king before Beowulfs demise in the movie but the text insinuates that the crowning occurred after his death. The battles were illustrated differently in both variations. For instance The Battle with Grendels Mother never transpired instead she had a child with Beowulf. In The Battle with Grendel, the film insinuates that the men were awake when Grendel attacked and he also attacked numerous men.In the text on the hand, the men were asleep when he attacked and he only attacked Wiglaf. In The Battle with The Dragon viewers learned that he was actually Beowulfs son. Throughout time there have been multiple analyses of Beowulf detailing the similarities and differences between the 2007 film and the various text translations. There are a wide range of differences in the film versus the text. These differences range from something as little as the appearances of main characters to the depiction of major events and details.
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